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The law is complicated. 虽然有一些一般性的东西是每天都适用的.g., stealing is illegal, marriage can be dissolved by divorce), the specifics are constantly evolving (e.g., the value of the property stolen, which determines the recommended sentence; a state’s residency requirements for filing for divorce). 这就是为什么与律师交谈是至关重要的,这可以使你的案件成功. At Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law, we get a lot of questions. While the answers vary based on personal circumstances, here are a few of the questions we’ve gotten recently:


Q: I got a raise. Will that reduce the child support I receive?

A: Maybe. 法院不想花费时间和资源对儿童抚养令做很多细微的修改. 有一些阈值可以用来确定是否有必要进行更改. In Indiana, 有关法规规定,只有在情况发生重大变化,使目前的子女抚养令变得不合理时,才能修改子女抚养, 或者变更会使子女抚养费产生20%以上的差异,并且自该命令发布以来已至少12个月. In Kentucky, a 15% difference is enough after 12 months, but a 25% difference is required in the first year. 如果支付子女抚养费的人提交了修改子女抚养费的请愿书, 他或她必须证明已经满足了适用的标准.


A: No. 提出离婚的人被称为请愿人,另一方被称为被告. The Petitioner pays the filing fees. Other than those distinctions, 就权利和策略而言,申请人和被申请人之间没有区别. It does not matter who files. In the end, you’ll both be equally divorced.



A: Sort of. Kentucky recently passed House Bill 492, 这就产生了一个可以反驳的假设共同监护和平等育儿时间是合适的. 可反驳的推定意味着你可以向法院辩称50/50是不合适的. However, unless and until you can show that, 肯塔基州的一家法院将自动裁定共同监护权和同等(50/50)育儿时间. Many states, including Indiana, 是否一直在倾向于认为平等的育儿时间是最好的, 但还没有制定法律使这一假设自动生效. In most states, 从一开始,父母双方都有机会表明为什么应该或不应该有平等的育儿时间. And in many cases, 父母中的一方可以有效地扣留同等的育儿时间,直到法院另有命令. That can no longer happen in Kentucky.



A: In short, NO. An officer, in Kentucky or Indiana, 在交通拦截期间没有权利搜查你的车辆 没有理由怀疑另一起犯罪正在进行. 最高法院指出,一名警官只能在完成交通拦截所需的合理时间内拘留一个人,如果没有合理的怀疑,就不能拘留一个人超过这个时间. So, 警察只能在完成例行交通拦截的时间内拦下你,不能再拦了. 当你因超速被警察拦下时,警察不能简单地去“钓鱼”,试图找出另一个违法行为.

Q: What is a plea bargain?

A: 辩诉交易通常是指被指控犯罪的人对较轻的罪行认罪, with more lenient consequences, 为了加快法律程序,避免审判. In certain circumstances, a plea bargain may be beneficial, 但是,没有人应该在没有咨询律师权衡所有辩护选择的情况下接受辩诉交易.


Q: What is better for me, a will or a trust?

A: 这个问题实际上取决于一个人的特殊情况和环境. 遗嘱可能更适合某些人,而信托可能更适合另一些人. A question even this basic, just isn’t that easy. When it comes to deciding between a will and a trust, 最好是咨询和律师与丰富的知识和经验,以确保您的遗产是受保护的. 今天就预约我们的房地产律师来保护您的资产和未来.


查阅或传送教会所提供的资料, Langdon, Lopp, 本网站的Banet Law仅供参考. 我们的律师提供的信息不是法律意见,也不建立律师-客户关系.


The attorneys at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law明确拒绝对基于此处提供的任何或全部信息所采取或未采取的行动承担一切责任.

Our firm makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, 本网站所提供的任何资料的有效性,概不负责任何错误, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.

Should you be seeking legal advice, 建议您在适当的司法管辖区聘请有执照的律师.

Attorney Steve Langdon

Licensed to practice in both Indiana and Kentucky, 史蒂夫·兰登是一位经验丰富的老年律师和出庭辩护律师. In addition to his litigation and trial work, Steve’s practice includes wills, trusts, probate, Medicaid planning, guardianship, powers of attorney, and advanced directive planning, 包括生前遗嘱和医疗代理指定. [ Attorney Bio ]

Attorney Gary Banet

加里在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业律师执照. He concentrates his practice in estate planning, estate and trust administration, estate and trust litigation, guardianships, elder law and special-needs planning. Gary earned his J.D. from the University of Louisville, Louis D. 布兰代斯法学院毕业,曾在宾汉姆格林鲍姆多尔和怀亚特塔兰特律师事务所执业 & Combs. [ Attorney Bio ]

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