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Auto Theft Defense in Indiana

在电影和电视中,偷快车看起来很有男子气概和浪漫. 深夜,男主角闯入了那辆异国情调的跑车, breaks into the ignition column, 把电线拼接在一起,放大到夜晚. 但在现实生活中,事实远没有那么令人印象深刻. 首先,被偷的车往往是普通轿车. And at the end of the day, 等待小偷的不是财富和名望, but instead courtrooms and prison cells.

bet9九州体育登录线路新奥尔巴尼的Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law

If you’ve been accused, 在印第安纳州因汽车盗窃罪被起诉或逮捕, contact Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law Attorneys in New Albany. Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law在印第安纳州拥有多年的案件辩护经验,并将不知疲倦地帮助您创建所需的辩护策略. 我们有资源和经验可以提供帮助. 如果您有疑问或想建立一个免费咨询, 在线bet9九州体育登录或致电(812)725-8224.

Legal Definition

汽车盗窃的概念相当简单: 未经允许开别人的车. 但这当然是其中的一部分, 检察官必须证明被告不仅拿走了那辆车, 但他根本不打算还钱——这是一个更加困难的提议.

Indiana Law

印第安纳州法律对与汽车盗窃有关的罪行和处罚有明确规定. The specific statutes state:

IC 35-43-4-2.5 Auto theft; receiving stolen auto parts Sec. 2.5. (a)在本节中,“机动车辆”具有ic9-13-2-105 (a)中规定的含义。. (b)明知或故意对他人的机动车辆施加未经授权的控制的人, with intent to deprive the owner of: (1) the vehicle’s value or use; or (2) a component part (as defined in IC 9-13-2-34) of the vehicle; commits auto theft, a Level 6 felony. (c)有意或有意接受, retains, 或处置已被盗窃的他人的机动车辆或机动车辆的任何部件,犯接收被盗汽车部件罪, a Level 6 felony.

Indiana Code Section 35-43–4-3 (Joyriding/ Criminal Conversion) Sec. 3. (a)一个人明知或故意对另一个人的财产施加未经授权的控制,即构成犯罪转换, a Class A misdemeanor. (b)第(a)款规定的罪行,如果某人未经授权控制他人的机动车辆,意图使用机动车辆协助他人实施犯罪,则属6级重罪. (c) The offense under subsection (a) is a Level 5 felony if: (1) committed by a person who exerts unauthorized control over the motor vehicle of another person; and (2) the person uses the motor vehicle to assist the person in the commission of a felony. (d) The offense under subsection (a) is a Level 6 felony if: (1) the person acquires the property by lease; (2) the property is a motor vehicle; (3) the person signs a written agreement to return the property to a specified location within a specified time; and (4) the person fails to return the property: (A) within thirty (30) days after the specified time; or (B) within three (3) days after a written demand for return of the property is either: (i) personally served on the person; or (ii) sent by registered mail to the person’s address that is provided by the person in the written agreement.

Car Theft Penalties

Auto Theft

第一次盗窃汽车被认定为六级重罪, 罚款最高可达10美元,罚款5万元及最高30个月监禁. Previous convictions raise the charge to a Level 5 Felony; the fines remain the same, 但最高可能的监禁时间增加到6年.

Joyriding/Criminal Conversion


Possible Defense


  • The first is that 被告有归还汽车的意图. 如果辩方能合理地证明这是真的,那么起诉 may be reduced to joyriding美国的处罚要轻得多.
  • 第二种防御主要是在家人和朋友之间. This includes implied consent这表明被告要么得到了同意,要么只是开车兜风.

Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law, a law firm in New Albany, Indiana, 忠实地为印第安纳州和肯塔基州的人民和社区bet9九州体育登录了几年,在各种法律领域. 我们有经验和资源可以提供帮助. 如需提问或安排免费咨询, contact us online or call us at (812) 725-8224.

Attorney Marc Tawfik

马克是肯塔基人,他一生的大部分时间都在这个州生活和工作. 他是肯塔基州和印第安纳州的执业律师, and his focus is on trial work, 包括民事诉讼和刑事辩护. 他代理过各种各样的客户, 他致力于把客户的需求放在第一位. [ Attorney Bio ]

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