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遗嘱认证是指在你死后,你的遗产将经过的程序.  一个熟练的Corydon遗嘱认证律师可以帮助使这个过程尽可能容易为您所爱的人.  根据你的计划,遗嘱认证可能很简单,也可能非常复杂. 在最好的情况下, probate is a well-ordered, 非常高效。, and relatively easy process that is over within a few months. 在最糟糕的时候, 这可能会很昂贵, 漫长的, 令人沮丧的过程会给你幸存的家人带来很多压力和困惑.

在遗嘱认证期间,法院决定遗嘱是否有效和真实,然后执行遗嘱.  A will in 印第安纳州 must be probated, 但是,当一份精心设计的遗嘱存在时,这个过程就变成了一个有序、毫不费力地将资产分配给继承人的过程. 有遗嘱的人死后的法律文书和文件比没有遗嘱的人负担要轻得多.

The goal is to avoid probate as much as possible. 只有资产 仅仅拥有 by a deceased individual must go through the 遗嘱认证过程.  These often include personal items, furniture, cash, and the like.  Assets that are jointly owned, 置于信托中, have named beneficiaries, have transfer-on-death status, 或者在“死后付款”账户的人可以完全避免遗嘱认证程序,直接交给继承人.  With good planning in advance, you can ensure that many, 如果不是大多数, of your assets do not have to get bogged down in probate.

The first thing you can do to ensure that the 遗嘱认证过程 is smooth is to take the time yourself, or encourage your loved one, to create a last will and testament as part of a larger estate plan. Without a will, a person is said to have died “intestate.“当这种情况发生时, 印第安纳州遗嘱法典 and a probate judge will determine how your assets are distributed, which may or may not reflect your personal wishes. So, first things first – create a will.

除了, you may want to create a revokable or irrevocable trust; confirm that pensions, ira, 银行账户, and other financial accounts have named beneficiaries and/or payable-on-death status; and ensure that all retirement and life insurance policies have named beneficiaries. 通过这样做,这些资产可以避免通过遗嘱认证.



There are several states in the country, 包括印第安纳州, 有特别的, simplified process for what are considered “small estates.” An 印第安纳小庄园 is one that has a value of $50,扣除债务后不超过5000美元, 留置权, 障碍, and funeral and burial expenses are deducted. 50美元不包括共同资产(与配偶或其他人共同拥有)和受益人指定,为符合“小型地产”指定的资格,最多需要10,000个地产. 共同资产可以包括夫妻共同拥有的房子等, 共有财产, 共享银行账户, and other co-owned items. If an estate’s assets are below the $50,000年的水平, you can take advantage of an abbreviated, 简化遗嘱认证流程,节省时间和成本. To find out if you qualify for the “small estate” process, bet9九州体育登录线路 our Corydon probate attorney today.

Documents in an Estate Plan


There are many documents that make up a comprehensive estate plan, and these can help you avoid a lengthy probate experience.  Which documents you may need depends on the size of your family, 资产金额, and other issues unique to your situation.  文件可以包括:

  • 最后遗嘱及遗嘱
  • 可撤销生前信托
  • Financial Power of Attorney
  • Advance Healthcare Directive
  • Healthcare Power of Attorney
  • Beneficiary Designations
  • Specialty Trusts (pets, special needs relative, digital assets, etc.)
  • 意向书
  • Proof of Identity Documents
  • Guardianship Designation for Minors
  • 指定遗产执行人
  • Titles and Property Deeds
  • 保险政策
  • 财务账户信息
  • Digital Log-Ins and Passwords
  • 葬礼的指令.

You may have some of these documents al准备好了.  Others may need to be drafted by a Corydon probate lawyer.  把所有文件放在一个集中安全的地方,让你的配偶或信任的顾问知道它们放在哪里,这一点很重要.

What Kind of Legacy Do You Want to Leave?

遗产规划和遗嘱认证过程的一部分还包括决定你是否想把金融资产留给慈善机构, 大学, 博物馆, 动物收容所, 或其他实体.  This can sometimes create tax advantages for yourself and your heirs, 它还可以帮助你在社区和其他地方留下持久的遗产.  A Corydon probate attorney can help you explore these options.

Questions Corydon Probate Lawyers May Ask You

有几个问题要记住——其中一些是Corydon遗嘱认证律师可能会在你见面时问你的——这些问题可以帮助你提前解决遗嘱认证问题或制定遗产计划.  其中包括:

  1. Who are your beneficiaries and heirs?
  2. Do you have minor children?  Have you thought about who could be their guardians?
  3. Do you have life insurance policies?
  4. Do you have brokerage and 银行账户?
  5. Do you own real estate or vacation properties?
  6. 你有养老金、401(k)计划、教育信托、个人退休账户或其他退休资产吗?
  7. Do you know where all your important financial documents are?
  8. 你确定了你的授权委托书的人了吗?
  9. Do you have a living will or advance healthcare directive?
  10. Have you designated a healthcare power of attorney?
  11. Do you have plans for the future care and maintenance of your pets?
  12. 你是否有昂贵的收藏品,比如艺术品、古董车、珠宝或硬币收藏?
  13. Do you own guns or firearms you want to pass on to heirs?
  14. Have you made funeral and burial plans, including a pre-paid funeral?


Estate Planning Checklist

As a way to get a jump start on probate, here’s an estate planning checklist that will help keep your estate organized.  Start with a to-do list:

  1. Itemize your asset inventory.
  2. 创建一个债务清单.
  3. Make a list of professional and social memberships.
  4. Review retirement accounts and update your insurance.
  5. Assign transfer-on-death designations.
  6. Choose a person to be your estate administrator.
  7. Simplify your finances when appropriate.


Choosing the Best Corydon Probate Lawyer

关于遗嘱认证、遗产规划和老年法律问题,有很多需要了解的.  这就是为什么选择合适的Corydon遗嘱认证律师来处理您的遗产规划需求是如此重要. 提前计划是你可以送给幸存的家庭成员的一份美丽的礼物. 在你离开之后, 他们将能够享受美好生活的珍贵回忆,而不是为杂乱无章的遗产而焦虑和沮丧. 人们不喜欢考虑生命终结的问题是可以理解的,但这样做是明智的.  Planning gives you the opportunity, while you’re still healthy, to have a conversation with your spouse and heirs, explain your desires and reasoning, and answer their questions. This can help avoid confusion and hurt feelings after you pass away.

Not all Corydon probate attorneys are created equal.  有些人只是比其他人有更多的经验、训练、洞察力和技能.  我们在Church Langdon Lopp Banet的遗产和老年法律律师拥有数十年的经验,对印第安纳州的遗嘱法非常了解.  Take a moment to read their 律师bios to find out why they’re so outstanding.  你也可以阅读 奖状 客户对我们提供的法律bet9九州体育登录质量表示满意.  我们邀请您在我们的办公室与Corydon遗嘱认证律师会面,了解我们如何提供帮助-无论您是否有一个简单的遗嘱认证问题要解决或想要创建一个完整的遗产规划组合.

Contact Our Skilled Probate Attorneys in Corydon, IN, Today

如果你住在Corydon,对遗嘱认证有疑问,或者需要帮助起草遗嘱或整个遗产计划, 教堂兰登·洛普·巴内特的遗嘱认证律师很乐意和你见面.  我们乐于了解我们的客户,了解他们独特的家庭需求.  无论你是有很多孩子和孙子,还是刚刚开始你的生活, a Corydon probate attorney can help you plan for the future.  On the other hand, if a loved one has 无遗嘱死亡 而你深陷印第安纳州令人困惑的遗嘱认证程序,我们也可以帮你.  Whatever your legal needs, we are here to serve.  You don’t have to go through the 遗嘱认证过程 alone.  To make an appointment, call us at 812-725-8224.


Gary is licensed to practice law in both 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州. He concentrates his practice in estate planning, estate and trust administration, estate and trust litigation, 监护, elder law and special-needs planning. 加里赢得了他的J。.D. from the University of Louisville, Louis D. 布兰代斯法学院毕业,曾在宾汉姆格林鲍姆多尔和怀亚特塔兰特律师事务所执业 & 库姆斯. [ 律师生物 ]


