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  • 9月29日
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 离婚

离婚是生活中最大的压力源之一, and the process can often seem confusing and complicated, especially if there are issues such as shared children, 房屋, 以及涉及的资产或争论的理由. 即使你和你的配偶在大多数问题上意见一致, you need to ensure that everything is done in accordance with 印第安纳州 law, 包括满足居住要求, 填写和归档所需的表格, and dealing with issues and working out any problems that may arise during the process. While it is important to know how to file for divorce, making mistakes in the process can be costly and prevent your divorce from being finalized in a timely manner. 这就是为什么它可以 ...


  • 11月30日
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 离婚

After a marriage ends, countless questions typically arise. One of the first questions many couples ask our attorneys is, 离婚时到底什么是财产?在印第安纳州, any property is considered an asset during a divorce settlement, 不管它是如何获得的. Because 印第安纳州 is not classified as a community property state, none of your assets will be considered community property. 离婚通常会导致财产对半分割, but some circumstances can result in an unequal distribution, 取决于不同的因素. 什么是离婚协议中的财产? Joint ownership is established for any and all assets, and includes a ...


  • 6月2日
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 离婚

印第安纳州是一个“无过错”州, which means that you do not have to make any allegations against your spouse to file for divorce. 当你递交解除婚姻关系申请书时, you only have to state that the marriage is irretrievably broken. Thus, on the surface, it does not matter who files for divorce first. 即使夫妻双方都想离婚, it can be a scary time as you are embarking on a new chapter of life. 和, 你面前有几个未知数, 比如离婚程序需要多长时间, whether your spouse will argue over division of property, 探视, 和支持, 还有其他你需要处理的因素. 我们的离婚律师可以全程帮助你 ...


  • 1月14日
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 离婚

For many, the process of going through a divorce is one of the most difficult times in life. Things can be further complicated when divorcing spouses encounter disputes about child custody, 资产分割, 以及其他的分离条件. 幸运的是, much of the stress and drama of a separation can be avoided by going through the process of a collaborative divorce. 合作离婚是如何运作的? 在印第安纳州, a collaborative divorce refers to one where both parties work with their own attorneys and meet regularly to reach agreements on various aspects of the separation itself. Ultimately, the goal of a collaborative divorce is to iron out differences and avoid needing to go ...


If you’re a spouse who sacrificed a career to care for children and later divorces, 你可能只能得到三年的配偶抚养费. If you’re back in the workforce after being absent for years, this isn’t much time to get your income to a level where you can comfortably support yourself. This part of 印第安纳州 family law has come under scrutiny and should be changed because of the unfairness it can cause. This type of spousal maintenance (the term “alimony” isn’t used in 印第安纳州 law) is known as rehabilitative maintenance. It’s supposed 帮助 “rehabilitate” a spouse whose unpaid job (possibly for decades) was to care for children and a household; it gives a three-year ...


  • 7月19日
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 离婚

An 印第安纳州 divorce could be a complicated and emotional process, but there are things you can do to make the situation even worse. 首先也是最重要的, divorcing couples need to think things through and not respond emotionally, 有两件事对某些人来说可能很难. 你可能会生气, upset and feel the life you planned for yourself is being robbed from you, 但这并不能成为犯这些错误的理由. 不 . . . Use your child as a pawn: “Parental alienation” is an all-too-common problem for divorcing parents. Kids are used as pawns in the divorce battle and directly or indirectly asked to choose sides, 哪种情况对孩子来说是没有好处的. 贬低你的配偶 ...

Considerations for Postnuptial and Prenuptial Agreements

An 印第安纳州 divorce can drain you of energy, emotion and dollars. Two potential ways to prevent or lessen those losses are prenuptial and postnuptial agreement, 由家庭律师起草. They are agreements made between the parties either before (prenuptial) or after (postnuptial) they’re married These agreements can spell out how various issues (but not child custody or support) will be resolved in case the parties end their marriage. 没有这些协议, under 印第安纳州 law all property brought into a marriage or acquired during it is joined together and will be subject to division in a divorce. Under 肯塔基州 law, property is deemed marital or nonmarital. p的除法 ...

Older and Wiser: More Americans 50 and Older are Ending Bad Marriages and Starting New Lives

  • 12月12日
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 离婚

随着年龄和经验而来的是智慧. Sometimes that wisdom results in the decision to end a non-functional 印第安纳州 marriage and start a new and better life. The Pew Research Center reports that although divorce is less common for younger adults, “灰色离婚”在美国越来越多.S. The divorce rate for those fifty and older has roughly doubled, and for those 65 and older that rate has about tripled, 自20世纪90年代. 各年龄段的离婚率并不一致. In 2015, 每1名40至49岁的成年人中就有21人离婚,这个年龄段的已婚人士有1000人, 比1990年的18个略有增加. The divorce rate for those 25 to 39 decreased from 30 persons per 1,000 married pers ...


  • 9月14日
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 离婚

Discussions about divorce often center around two topics: children and property. 对于许多小企业主来说, the line between those two subjects is blurry and the worries are similar. 毕竟, 建立一个成功的企业需要付出很大的努力, 汗水, time, 奉献, 和耐心. When the uncertainty of divorce looms large, it’s common to wonder what will happen to your business. 最重要的是,你要分享多少? 我即将成为前夫的配偶有权得到一半吗? 和, as with many legal questions, the answer is: it depends. 首先,创业的确切时间很重要. If it was started before the marriage, then its value at the time of marriage is separate prope ...


离婚是生活中最大的压力源之一, and the process can often seem confusing and complicated, especially if there are issues such as shared children, 房屋, 以及涉及的资产或争论的理由. 即使你和你的配偶在大多数问题上意见一致, you need to ens ...